Dr. Mariana Mambrini Soldatelli


With a warm smile and a passion for transformative dental care, Dr. Mariana Soldatelli is more than a dentist; she's a member of a family deeply rooted in the world of dentistry. From her mother to her sister and husband, each brings their unique dental specialty to the table, making dental discussions a family affair.

Dr. Soldatelli's journey in dentistry began at the ULBRA-RS School of Dentistry in Brazil, where she earned her DDS in 2006. Her commitment to excellence didn’t stop there. In 2008, she completed a post-graduate program in Prosthodontics at the same university, a field where art meets science in the creation of beautiful smiles.

Ever the lifelong learner, Dr. Soldatelli has traveled both nationally and internationally, immersing herself in continuous education courses and advanced programs. Her dedication to mastering the art of restorative and esthetic dentistry has given her a unique perspective on integrated treatment planning, esthetics, and implant-supported restorations.

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More About Dr. Soldatelli

Dr. Soldatelli's career is a testament to her dedication to the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of adult patients. She has honed her skills in an interdisciplinary clinic setting, working alongside various specialists. Her expertise spans comprehensive treatment planning, including Digital Smile Design, clinical photography, and detailed collaboration with dental technicians. She's particularly skilled in restoring implants, managing everything from immediate loading of single implants to complex full arch cases, always with an eye for esthetic perfection.

In 2017, Dr. Soldatelli brought her talents to Indiana, where she further expanded her expertise with a residency in Prosthodontics at IUSD, completed in 2022. This experience enabled her to embrace the most modern digital workflows and treat a diverse range of patient needs in Oral Rehabilitation and Esthetics. Her academic excellence was recognized through multiple awards, including the prestigious JFJ Society - 2020 Lester Furnas Scholarship for the highest GPA during her residency, the 2022 JFJ Scholarship Award, and the JFJ Society - 2022 Russel Winfield Lehman Scholarship.

Beyond her clinical and academic pursuits, Dr. Soldatelli is an active member of the ITI – International Team for Implantology, the Women International Network, and the American College of Prosthodontics. These memberships reflect her commitment to staying at the forefront of her field and connecting with peers globally.

At the heart of Dr. Soldatelli’s practice is a commitment to excellence in patient care, adopting a conservative yet integrated approach. She strives for the best outcomes with a focus on long-term prognosis, ensuring every patient leaves with a smile that is not only beautiful but lasting. With Dr. Soldatelli, you're not just getting a treatment; you're getting a partner in your dental health journey.

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